A Unique and Outstanding setting in my family home in Lamplugh. Established 2003

Chirpy Chicks
Toddler Group
Chirpy chicks aims to provide a transition platform from babies to toddlers.
Beginning to focus on concentration skills through the use of listening games, developing language through rhyme time and repetition of favorite stories. Gross motor skills are enhanced through daily outdoor activities such as building in the construction area, to using fine motor skills with chopping herbs in the mud kitchen. We use the stage outside to help build confidence, imaginative play, exploring music and movement and building relationships.
Chirpy chicks plans their weekly activities around the children’s interests.
Why is ‘chirpy chicks’ special for your child?
Experienced and fully Trained Staff: All staff in this area are suitably trained and have relevant qualifications to ensure the highest level of teaching is provided, alongside dedicated caring staff to nurture your child’s self confidence, to help them flourish.
Continuity of care is essential, key workers work regular hours week-to-week from 7:30am-6:00pm, alongside a 2nd key worker ensuring children feel safe and settled throughout the day.
Age appropriate toys and resources, planning ensure children are stimulated by following and excited, alongside new experiences everyday.
Focuses on the Early Years Foundation Stage introduces children to learn new skills in all areas on the Early Years Foundation Stage including: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development in particular. With development into Mathematics, Literacy and Expressive arts and Design.
A welcoming space with a homely feel, providing comfort, continuity and stimulating opportunities, building self-confidence through small group sessions with large emphasis on outdoor experiences and learning in the countryside.