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A unique Learning Experience.

About Woodend Country Childcare

We are a childcare on domestic premises; a homely setting, located in the Cumbrian village of Lamplugh, on the Western fringe of the beautiful Lake District National Park. Woodend Country Childcare was set up and is managed by Claire Sharpe. We offers a unique setting, providing ‘Outstanding' home from home quality care for children aged 0 to 5 years.

Set up in 2003, Woodend Country Childcare has celebrated is nearing its 20th year in business next year and as the years have progressed, the setting has gone from strength to strength.

At Woodend Country Childcare we recognise that the opportunities we provide at our nursery have a direct impact on the children’s futures. We are therefore dedicated in providing stimulating and exciting activities and challenges as we believe that our childcare can offer every child the very best start in their educational journey.

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About us: About Us


Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 5:30pm

About us: Opening Hours

About Claire.

Building the Future


BSC(Hons) Child and Family studies

Foundation Degree level 4 &5 in Care & Learning of children and young people.

Lead Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

Lead Enhanced Safeguarding Officer. Prevent Duty Officer.

All Our Children inclusive Practice.

Health and Safety 

Paediatric level 3 First aider,

Food Hygiene level 3 , Nutrition and Healthy Eating  Moving and Handling and Many other training Qualifications to date.

I began my childminding business from home in 2003, caring for 3 children, but over the years the  business has gone from strength to strength, mostly by word of mouth by past and present parents and carers.

I  employing local experienced highly qualified staff.

I hold  23 years experience in Early years. As a farmers daughter I have always lived in the country and I am passionate about the outdoors and outdoor life, this has reflected in our setting ensuring that children get the best opportunity to play and explore outdoors daily what ever the weather. We also have access to our beautiful woodlands and fields, where children join in together with listening walks and with forest school activities alongside unique activities such as hatching out chicks from our nursery incubator.

 The children love to  bottle feed lambs in the spring time.

I am happiest when I see children having fun, and I enable this through a hands-on approach and ensuring that every child’s interests are catered for. This is supported by developing new exciting projects yearly for the children’s enjoyment. I enjoy training and reading to keep my setting up to the minute in every aspect. 

I attend conferences in London and Manchester  bringing back the  newest  information and the most fabulous ideas for the children in my setting .

It is essential for me that all children enjoy and achieve, and that we support their wellbeing and involvement using Leuven Scale.

I believe in valuing staff providing them with necessary training to develop skills and experience and with added  incentives for their hardwork and commitment, helping create first class practitioners  for  Woodend Country Childcare.

 I also feel it is essential that all my staff are happy and motivated alongside being fully trained/qualified. 

The team and I  pride ourselves in providing a friendly approachable and  an individual tailored childcare service.

About us: Our Mission
About us: Pro Gallery
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